Conceptual design, research, expertise in all types of multi-hulled ships
- Doctor of Technical Sciences, Maritime Technical University, St.Petersburg, Russia
- Senior Research Specialist Diploma, Krylov Shipbuilding Research Institute, Leningrad, USSR
- Candidate of Technical Sciences Diploma, Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute, Leningrad, USSR
- Master’s Degree in Shipbuilding, Tallinn Polytechnical Institute, Tallinn, Estonia
- World-ever English language monographs "Multi-hull ships" (compiler, scientific editor, co-author), was published (in English) in USA, 2001; “Ships with outriggers”, USA, 2004; “Ships with small water-plane area”, USA, 2007
- World-ever Russian language monograph “Multi-hull ships”, Leningrad, 1978
- About 60 English publications in various marine and shipbuilding magazines
- 25 certificates of invention (USSR, generally not published) and 2 Russian patents
- Methodical collection of lectures, including guest lectures in UK (University College of London), in the Netherlands (Delft University, CONO Ship Co.), USA (Coast Guard Department, Washington University), Canada ( R. Allan Co., University of British Columbia), Sweden (the Department of Defense Ministry)
Current materials and research papers
(available online)
Multi-hulls: some results of development and new technical solutions.. (in Russian)
Effective and inexpensive patrol ship with helicopters and unmanned vehicles (â âåðñòêå)
Specificity and Designing of Multi-Hull Ships and Boats. NOVA publishers, 237 p.
1961 – 1964. Senior Design Naval Architect (earlier Design Naval Architect).
Baltic Ship Repair Yard, Tallinn, Estonia (One of the biggest in USSR)
- Various aspects of ship design, e.g.:
- calculation of general stress distribution
- preparation of trim and stability booklets
- equipment foundations
- docking calculations
1964 – 1967 Post-Graduate Student.
Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute, Leningrad, USSR (Oldest Russian maritime university)
- Towing and seaworthiness tests in the towing tank
- Application of the world first method predicting resistance of thin hull catamarans in function of variation of their main dimensions
1967 – 1970. Senior Research Specialist (earlier Junior).
Central Research Institute for Merchant Marine, Leningrad. (Main research center serving Russian Merchant Fleet)
- Initial design stages of arctic barge-carrier "Sevmorput"
- Calculations Booklet to predict technical quality of new ship concepts (barge-carriers, trade helicopter-carriers, other)
1970 - 2001. Leading Research Specialist (earlier Senior)
Krylov Shipbuilding Research Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia. (Russia’s biggest and world-famous center of shipbuilding sciences)
Concept design, research and development of multihulled ships.
- More than 30 new concept designs, including:
- concept designing of a new type of super-fast ship (speed twice that of then-typical fast vessel, at improved seaworthiness at all speeds - ferries, patrol and battle ships, displacements 20-1000 t, speeds 80-130 kn);
- concept designing of a new SWATH hull form for all-weather fast ferries, motor yachts, patrol and battle ships, aircraft and helicopter carriers and the like, displacements 15-3,500-60,000 t, speeds 30-70 kn in Sea State 3-6;
- economical SWATH-platforms for new types of vessels, like transatlantic and feeder container-carriers with up to 40 kn speed;
- all-weather passenger ships for remote coastal operation and luxury passenger cruise ships;
- small economical shallow-draft fishing and river transport vessels, tugs with tractor motors, ship-platform with snake propulsor, etc.
- Heading complex scientific and designing programs (including collaboration with design offices).
- Development of design software for multi-hull vessels (both conventional and SWATH).
- Development of and testing the world first systematic model series of catamarans, trimarans, twin- and triple-hulled SWA ships, and ships with outriggers, including collection and analysis of full-scale data and propulsion data.
- Prototype tests in waves, development of complex seaworthiness comparison method. Systematic calculations of plate thickness and hull weight for SWATH and catamarans.

Home phone (7-812) 776-42-52, mobile phone +7-921-984-1953.